Thursday, October 6, 2011

He's Never Failed Me Yet

“Let the godly sing for joy to the Lord; it is fitting for the pure to praise him…Sing a new song of praise to him; play skillfully on the harp, and sing with joy. For the word of the Lord holds true, and we can trust everything he does. He loves whatever is just and good; the unfailing love of the Lord fills the earth.” – Psalm 33:1-5

Transitions can be really challenging. Graduation. Location changes. New living arrangements. New jobs. It can all be overwhelming.

Since graduating in May I have seen a lot of these challenges come and go, and I’m sure there are many more on the way. After a semester of grad school in Ohio, I made my way back to the Bluegrass state with only two sure things: a part time job teaching speech and drama at a local high school and a place to stay until December.

I really wasn’t sure how it all was going to go. Most of my friends had dispersed to different areas of the country to start new jobs as well. I loved the idea of returning to the church I had come to love and serve over the past four years, but I knew that I was losing a huge community by graduating from my close-knit school.

And, at first, things really were rather difficult. I missed my friends and was finding it hard to feel a sense of belonging even though I was living in a very familiar place. I searched for more jobs endlessly, knowing that I couldn’t afford to live much longer on this one part-time job. I was turned down over and over and couldn’t understand why. I found myself getting more discouraged with each passing day.

But God is faithful. So faithful. He began to slowly infuse my life with new blessings and hope. Some of my closest friends started moving back to the area. A small group of girls that graduated with me – some of them close friends, others just acquaintances – formed a book club and have grown closer to one another by relating to each others’ struggles during this transition period. It has been an incredible blessing to get to know these girls on a deeper level and to bear each others’ burdens with prayer and support.

I also went from having one job to having four in literally a day. The phone calls just kept pouring in. I couldn’t believe it, and there are even more opportunities on the horizon that I am so excited about. And the best part of these jobs is that all but one directly correlate with my career ambitions. And, let’s face it, not a lot of theatre people find employment in their field an easy thing to come by.

During all this, my parents moved from Florida to Tennessee and I am so grateful to have them closer. Going home used to mean buying a flight or planning two entire days of driving. Now if I have a long weekend I can just jump in the car and be home within a few hours.

Wonderful volunteer opportunities have also been brought my way. Friends have asked me to be a part of their projects and I have been able to act, sing, lead and use my gifts to help others. 

But my favorite thing that God has been doing lately is filling my life with community. He has been putting new people into my life who are incredible examples to me as I try to grow in my faith and navigate through life. And my relationships with old friends have been deepening in wonderful ways. I seriously could not ask for better friends – ones who never cease to show grace, love, encouragement, and generosity – all the while pointing to Christ as the source of it all. They make me want to be better each day. The late night conversations, the openness and willingness to discuss difficult things, the prayerful support…I have been enjoying each interaction and adventure with these friends – old and new.

So I teach and direct theatre. I am a barista. I am allowed to help lead worship. I have beautiful, growing community. But I don’t write all this to say “Look at all the great things I’m doing,” and I hope that it doesn’t read that way. I write all this because I want to celebrate the incredible blessings that God has lavished on my life. I did nothing to deserve these things. But I’m so thankful for the unfairness of God’s grace. He continually loves, cares for, and blesses me despite the foolish things I often do. He deserves all the praise. I am overwhelmed by him.

I find myself here on my knees again
Caught up in grace like an avalanche
Nothing compares to this love, love, love
Burning in my heart

- Hillsong