Saturday, September 4, 2010

Promise Not to Promise Anymore

Life just feels like one big roller coaster right now. It's up one day and down the next. However, I'm thankful to say that it's been more up than down the past few days.

I like lists, so I think I'll make one right now.

Good Things from the Past Few Days:

1. I discovered Habitat for Humanity downtown. I found an awesome clock for our apartment, old Broadway records, and gnomes...because I live in the Gnome Home.

2. My best friend is still here this week, and we've had wonderful times together.

3. I love living with six other girls and just being able to hang out and talk when we're all home. They are so fun! Tonight we dressed ourselves up in a very edgy, over-the-top way and went out for dessert. We stopped at a gas station to take pictures. No one around us knew what to think. I was afraid we were gonna get picked up by some sleaze bags.

4. I went on an epic adventure with my friend, James, the other day. We went looking for a waterfall in the woods and it ended up being huge. We discovered this huge canyon thing and traversed it up and down and all around. Then we splashed around in the river and found a puppy who played with us in the water for a while. It was fantastic! It was very difficult to leave the puppy. We named her Sandwich.

5. I've been able to sit down and have very meaningful conversations with a lot of people lately, and I love that. Deep conversations make my heart happy.

6. I have somehow reverted back to the ways of freshman year (aka: staying up very late...every matter how early I have to get up the next day). Sometimes I'm doing homework, but most of the time I'm just talking to people or playing around. It's tons of fun, and I haven't suffered terribly from lack of sleep...yet. It's so freeing. I'll never grow up.

7. Despite the rough patches I've experienced the past few weeks, I've been able to praise God. It was difficult at first because I was so angry and frustrating, but every day it sinks in more and more that he is protecting me and knows me better than I know myself. How can I keep from praising him?

8. I was sick. I'm getting better.

9. I got my first tattoo. I love it.

10. Last night I spent the night with three good friends at an apartment in town. We bought a bunch of junk food and watched a scary movie, which I was not a fan of. When we woke up, Theresa had made us a breakfast for champions: pancakes with cookie dough, coffee and fruit. A winning combo.

Not So Good Things from the Past Few Days:

1. The musical that was scheduled for this semester got pushed to next semester, and now I don't even know what we'll be doing. I'm rather discouraged because I feel like I have nothing theatre-related to do this semester, though that's not really true. I'll be helping a friend with his directing project, but that's about it. I was really looking forward to the musical. It's my senior year and I feel like it's slipping away and I'm not doing anything. I really hope I can do a lot of stuff next semester besides my own project. I just feel discouraged.

2. I may have made it through Writing for Media last semester without crying, but there is a very good possibility that I will shed a few tears over my Screenwriting class. I have absolutely no idea what I'm writing about. Sheesh. Lord, help me.

3. I'm slowly realizing all the things I wish I had done while I was here. I wish I had been an Ambassador. I wish I had run for some sort of class cabinet position. I wish...well, anyway, watching the freshmen move in was weird. I got to thinking about what I would do differently if I could go back and start over at orientation. I would do a whole lot of things different. But it's also a good thing. I won't keep living in the past. Instead, it encourages me to take a huge bite out of this senior year and squeeze as many things as I possibly can in before it's over. I'm excited.

4. I'm still healing. That's enough about that.

5. My best friend, Theresa, moved to Nashville today. I will miss her terribly, and I'm not quite sure how I'll survive without her for a whole semester. But I plan to visit her at least once.

So all in all, more good than bad. It's going to be a great year.

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