Monday, January 24, 2011

Lookin Forward to Lookin Back

Books I'm Reading: Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale, John Ortberg's The Me I Want to Be
Music I'm listening to: Over the Rhine

^^ I used to put this info at the head of all my blog posts, but somewhere during the year I I shall reinstate it.

I realized today that winter is the worst time to be down in the dumps. Everything in sight is dead or asleep. The grass, the trees, the crumpled, frozen flower. The sky is endlessly cloudy from one day to the next. It's frigidly cold and everyone hides themselves inside their coats as they briskly walk about.

I wish it were summer. I wish I could step outside in shorts and a t-shirt and go for a walk for hours just to get away and look at everything around me. I wish I could jump in my car and drive around the country side with the windows down, just letting the warm wind wash over my face and carry my fears and troubles away behind me. I wish I could go lay in a field and gaze up at the stars all night, seeking out the constellations.

I need winter to go away. I feel so trapped inside with nothing to do but to sit and think about everything that is troubling me. The cold drives me inside when everything in me wants to roam wherever I please.

But, as with most things, the great thing about winter is that spring is always right beyond the horizon, waving in the distance and promising light and warmth. No matter what, winter must come to an end. And when it does, spring will be there. New life, in all it's glory, will be there.

Have hope.


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