Monday, May 16, 2011

I Could Go Running, and Racing, and Dancing, and Chasing...

It's been nine days since I graduated. I have had so many mixed thoughts throughout this week. I have felt sad because I don't know when I will see a lot of my friends again. I have been happy with my new found freedom. I have felt lost as far as what the next step in life is.

I spent the last week with my best friend in Virginia, helping her put together the last minute details for her wedding. The ceremony was perfect and the reception was a blast. She and her new husband went off to Cancun, and after three days of driving I am finally home.

And here I sit. All of my belongings are in a pile downstairs waiting to be unpacked. This room which has been mine for the past five years will soon be stripped and packed up as my family moves to Tennessee in a few months. And where will I be?

Well, that is yet to be determined. I am at the proverbial fork in the road. So much in my life is changing and it can be overwhelming at times. I have many decisions to make.

I see where I am right now and how crucial it is for me to step back and evaluate myself. I need to make some changes. I need to empty out some clutter, physically and mentally. I need to get back in touch with those things that lift me up instead of the things that bring me down. I guess you could call it a "summer cleaning" of sorts.

Anyway, whatever you want to call it, I'm intrigued to find out what's in store. Advice, encouraging verses, or cute pictures of small animals are always welcome. Just send them my way :)

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