Thursday, May 26, 2011

Around the World

I haven't been feeling well today, but I didn't want to stay in bed, so I decided to take a trip around the world...through my computer. Wanna see where I went?
I woke up and decided to have breakfast in Paris. That Eiffel Tower really is all it's cracked up to be.
From there I traveled to Greece where I went straight to the Dionysus Theatre in Athens. It is the oldest theatre in Greece. This is where it all began.
I also wanted to see the Theatre at Epidauros because it's huge and still in pretty good shape, so I stopped  there on my way out of Greece.

It was getting to be mid-morning, and I felt a song coming on, so I booked it to Austria and twirled my way over these mountains. I wish I could remember the song I was singing...something about hills..being alive? I don't remember.



Stopped in on London for some fish and chips.

After my delicious lunch and a walk through London, I ventured to Italy where I rented a Vespa (and a cute boy) and rode around all afternoon. I said "Ciao" a's the only word I know.

After a nice dinner in Italy, I headed back East to Costa Rica where I dropped in on the Sloth Sanctuary of Costa Rica. I've always wanted to go here, and this was the perfect day for it! They have a sloth named Wall-E. Just sayin'. 
And here we are. I've shown you what my day has been like so far. Now here's a little taste of what's coming next.

This is where I am right now. For those of you living under a rock, this is Times Square. I am currently walking to the Stephen Sondheim theatre on West 43rd where the revival of Anything Goes starring Sutton Foster is playing. That's what I'll be seeing very soon.

After the show, I plan to head up to 83rd street and eat dessert at Cafe Lalo. I've always wanted to visit this little place because it's from one of my favorite movies - You've Got Mail. I shall sit here and just wait for Tom Hanks to walk in and sit down across from me. 

After dessert I plan to jump over to Alaska to end my day staring at the Aurora Borealis. It will be the perfect ending to a perfect day.

What adventures will tomorrow hold?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Make Someone Happy

Sometimes we get so caught up in our own lives that we don't think about the stranger passing us on the street. It's easy to only care about those who are close to us.

Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness. ~Seneca

I've had extra time on my hands lately, so today I decided to put together something that I hope will bring some sunshine into the lives of the people in my neighborhood. Inspired by Color Me Katie.

Started with some basic supplies.

Wrote some messages.

And hung them up around the neighborhood!

Hopefully these will make some people smile.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Can't Help But Smile

My summer has consisted largely of these things:

This stuff is liquid gold. 
Color Me Katie has been lifting my spirits and providing inspiration for the past year or so now, and I think I'm going to start trying some of her ideas around my neighborhood. Visit her site here!

I've been trying to sort through all my things and get rid of  a bunch of stuff. A lot of throwing out, donating and organizing. I usually dress up like this when I'm doing it, too.

I didn't have time to watch Glee at all this past semester, so I've been catching up via Hulu. Although the season is losing its favor with me...I just can't quite give it up for good yet.

I used to read a lot when I was little but lost interest in high school. Lately, though, I've been loving it and made a resolution to read 15 books this year. I am currently on #7.

Living in Florida has some great advantages. For instance, it's pretty easy to lay beside a pool and get tan. I'm not mad about it.
My dad and I have been taking his Vespa out for some riding. It's great for warm summer evenings.

I've spent a fair portion of this summer trying to decide between these two schools. Akron won. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I Don't Do Sadness, Not Even a Little Bit

Today has been a very good day. I woke up and spent some time laying out by the pool and reading. When I went home I spent some time writing thank you cards for graduation gifts and printing pictures. After sending them off in the mail, my brother brought over his puppy for me to watch while he went to teach youth group. I played with her until my parents got home, then went for a long run.

It was on this run that I started thinking about my life and where I have been mentally. I've been allowing myself to be down in the dumps a lot recently. I've been dwelling on discouraging things that are out of my control and consistently letting them bring my mood down. And as I was running I decided that I've had enough. No more self pity. No more allowing my mind to dwell on hurtful things. No more dwelling on the past. It's time to get this out-of-shape butt in gear and move on. I'm ripping down the curtains that I've so desperately tried to keep drawn and letting the sun shine in full force. It will take a lot of focus and resolve, but I'm feeling really good about it.

But this resolve wasn't just brought on by a running session.

I had a dream last night that I felt was pretty remarkable. I've been talking with a few people about how I feel like God is growing me in really uncomfortable ways right now and how easy it is to wish it away. But someone reminded me the other day that difficult growth produces the best results and sometimes you just have to sift through all the grime and dirt in order to get to the other side.

So in this dream I was in a wooden cottage. The walls and things were very gross and dirty. Dust and debris lay in every corner. Suddenly, tiny flames started coming through some of the holes in the wall in front of me. There happened to be a fire extinguisher right beside me, so I picked it up and started spraying the flames. But as soon as they went, more tiny flames started bursting through other holes. I soon found myself rushing frantically around the room trying to put the flames out, but they were too fast for me. The fire extinguisher was growing light and I knew there wasn't much left. After desperately spraying the last of it on nonrespondent flames, I could only watch as the place was engulfed by fire. I felt hopeless, knowing the roof would soon cave in and everything would crumble. But, to my shock, the opposite happened. The grime and dirt that stained the walls was disappearing. The debris in the corners was growing smaller. Before I knew it I was surrounded by the cleanest, strongest walls I could imagine. The ceiling itself grew white and fresh. I marveled at the newness of it all and couldn't comprehend why the fire hadn't brought it down.

I woke up realizing that this dream was a gift. It was an incredible reminder that even though growth can be difficult and hard times can feel overwhelming, God is using these things to make me into the beautiful creation that he intended me to be. I don't have to feel hopeless or frantic about my situations, but can trust and rest assured that he will bring everything to fruition.

How freeing is that!

Monday, May 16, 2011

I Could Go Running, and Racing, and Dancing, and Chasing...

It's been nine days since I graduated. I have had so many mixed thoughts throughout this week. I have felt sad because I don't know when I will see a lot of my friends again. I have been happy with my new found freedom. I have felt lost as far as what the next step in life is.

I spent the last week with my best friend in Virginia, helping her put together the last minute details for her wedding. The ceremony was perfect and the reception was a blast. She and her new husband went off to Cancun, and after three days of driving I am finally home.

And here I sit. All of my belongings are in a pile downstairs waiting to be unpacked. This room which has been mine for the past five years will soon be stripped and packed up as my family moves to Tennessee in a few months. And where will I be?

Well, that is yet to be determined. I am at the proverbial fork in the road. So much in my life is changing and it can be overwhelming at times. I have many decisions to make.

I see where I am right now and how crucial it is for me to step back and evaluate myself. I need to make some changes. I need to empty out some clutter, physically and mentally. I need to get back in touch with those things that lift me up instead of the things that bring me down. I guess you could call it a "summer cleaning" of sorts.

Anyway, whatever you want to call it, I'm intrigued to find out what's in store. Advice, encouraging verses, or cute pictures of small animals are always welcome. Just send them my way :)