Friday, December 31, 2010

I Did It!

I did it! Exactly one year ago today, I started this blog with the intention of carrying it through the entire year. Seventy-two posts later, the year is over and I have accomplished my goal. At the end of last year, I set a four goals for myself:

1. Run a 10k
2. Give up soda
3. Avoid using plastic bags at all costs
4. Read 25 books

Of these four goals, I accomplished one. I finally gave up soda in June, and I've had maybe 6 sodas since then. Every time I have one, it just doesn't taste right to me anymore, and I hardly ever drink the whole thing. So hooray!

I also 'sort of' accomplished my goal of avoiding plastic bags. I try to remember to take in my reusable bags every chance I get, but when I forget, I bring the plastic bags back to the store to recycle. I feel that this should give me at least half credit for this goal.

As for the 10k...well, I just didn't do it. I can still run three miles pretty easily, though, and I enrolled myself in a class for next semester which will enable me and almost force me to get in shape, and my goal is to run a 10k at the end of the semester, right before graduation.

And the books...yes, the books. I think I read four books this even close on that one. I feel like I should punish myself by reading 30 books this year, but seeing how miserably I failed at attempting 25, I think I'll try for 20 this year.

Whew.'s been a whole year. It's 2011. This year has been looming over me for the past four years. It's graduation year. Crazy. A whole lot has happened this year, as always. I mean, it's a year. I'd feel pretty pitiful if very few things had happened.

Thinking back over the year, there were a few big events that come to mind immediately. I went to the Olympics as a TV reporter. I assistant directed my first high school show. My dog died. I had a super awesome internship all summer. I got dumped. I fell in love. My best friend got engaged. I went to my first UK game.

And then there were the small things. Like riding bikes with my friends all over town at 1 in the morning. Stargazing in the middle of the streets. Water balloon fights. Hanging out at a mansion all summer. Days on the beach with friends. Eating fro yo almost every night. Sneaking around where we shouldn't be. Taco Bell runs every other night.

It's been a great year. It's had its ups and downs, and I never thought I'd be here, but I couldn't be more happy about where I am. I have so much to be thankful for.

So what's in store for this next year? I know this blog was meant to only last a year, but I've really enjoyed it and really want to keep it going. But the other night as I was clicking "stumble" over and over on, I became more aware of the reality of my generation.

My generation wants to be heard. When we are hurt, or have an opinion, or are just plain bored, we change our facebook status. We write blogs, much like mine here. We send those emo pictures out into cyberspace hoping that guy or girl we are convinced is 'the one' will see it. You know, those ones that say things like, "You asked me what's wrong and I smiled and said, 'Nothing'...then I turned around and whispered, 'Everything." We twitter, sometimes obsessively about where we are, what we're doing, what we see, how we feel, who we're with...

But who exactly is listening? In this world full of a billion voices all wanting to be heard, how is anyone being heard above the rest? I myself like to think that other people enjoy reading my statuses and my blog. But how can my voice be different?

So here are my New Year resolutions:

1. Run a 10k...seriously.
2. Read 20 books
3. Every time I write a new blog post, instead of just rambling about my thoughts, complaints, desires, life, etc., I am going to include something in every post that will hopefully edify the reader. Whether it's a verse, a quote, or just a challenging thought, I want to write for people, not for myself. This also applies to my facebook statuses or anything else I post for the general public. I tend to whine and complain a lot. I tend to ramble. But I want to focus on encouraging people. Because if I'm going to be a voice, I might as well be a voice that edifies, builds up and inspires.

What's your resolution?

Thanks for coming on this journey with me, both in the past year and in the years to come.

Hebrews 12:12 – So take a new grip with your tired hands and strengthen your weak knees. Mark out a straight path for your feet so that those who are weak and lame will not fall but become strong.


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