Thursday, December 29, 2011


My family has been moving around an awful lot lately. As I was sitting in our new living room the other night, I got to thinking about homes.

My first home, located on a quiet dead end street in southern Michigan, was first and foremost a playground. This is the home I was brought into when my mom and dad came home from the hospital, and it’s where I spent my childhood years. When I think about that house I will always think of playing. I remember a particular tree in the backyard that grew as if it wanted to be climbed. Every branch was perfectly situated so that you could practically climb to the top with your eyes closed. And, on either side of the bottom were two branches that were very ideal for jumping up and swinging from. One was about half a foot higher than the other, so it was perfect for my big brother and me. He got the taller one, I got the shorter one. We spent hours hanging from those two branches.

I also remember spending countless days in my room playing with my toys. I had so many Disney figurines. Aladdin, Jasmine, a Magic Carpet, Simba and Nala, Pumba and Jafaar. These were among my favorites, and I made up so many stories with these miniature friends.

And I remember playing sports. All the time – sports. Basketball and baseball and football and racing on rollerblades and bikes. We had three neighbor friends who we loved to play with.

I don’t really remember having a lot of cares or worries when we lived here. This home, to me, was about playing. It was about toys and lemonade stands and long summer days spent outside and nights spent sleeping by the Christmas tree in the winter.

We moved to our next home, just across town, when I was in the fourth grade – still just a kid. If I had a word for this home, it would be learning. Just a year after we moved, I learned the heartache that comes when a beloved pet dies. I grew up in this home and began learning that life isn’t always fair. That life is hard. That school and relationships and attitudes could be difficult. It was in this home that I learned what the word rebel meant and how to apply it to my own life. This lead me to also learn what the word grounded meant. A few years later I learned what it feels like when someone breaks your heart. And I learned that the word cancer often comes with its ugly best friend in tow: fear.

There were many difficult times while we lived in this home, but there were many good ones as well. I learned how to drive and was especially proud when I mastered the art (and, believe me, it was an ART) of backing out of our very curvy driveway. The level of artistry was further exemplified when either the driveway was icy with snow or when one was very late for school.
I also learned that while my best friends were intending to go to college to become doctors and teachers, I was yearning to learn a different craft: theatre. It was in this home that I went from wanting to be an Olympic speedskater (obviously I had very realistic goals for myself) to discovering a love and passion for the stage. I am forever grateful for those who began introducing me to this new love during these years.
And although I didn’t always recognize it at the time, I eventually learned of God’s faithfulness. He allowed the cancer to be successfully removed. He healed broken hearts. He blessed me, took care of me, and guided me when I deserved it the least. He never failed.

If this home was about learning, then our next home was about struggling. We moved to Florida right before my senior year of high school – leaving our friends, significant others, and everything familiar to us and taking up residence in a tropical climate. It was during this time that my relationship with God became real because he was the only thing I had to cling to. I fought depression and long waves of loneliness. But God was faithful and I was able to go back to Michigan for the last semester of high school and graduate with my friends. However, going back to Florida after graduating was a brand new struggle. I couldn’t find a summer job so I literally counted down each day until I left for college. It was the longest summer of my life.
All throughout college it was strange to go home for breaks. I enjoyed seeing my family and spending time with them there, but I envied my friends who were able to go back to the homes they had grown up in and reunite with all of their high school friends. I had wonderful friends back home in Michigan who I never got to see during these breaks and I often found that very difficult to handle. And because I was never in Florida for more than a few weeks at a time, it never really became familiar to me.
But struggle isn’t always a negative thing. Two summers ago I was hired as an intern at a large church near our home in Orlando, and as part of my time there I wrestled with many questions about who I am and what my purpose is. We had classes on personality types and spiritual gifts and ran arts camps and had long discussions and labored over the plans for each and every worship service that took place during our internship. It was so so good. A great kind of struggle.

And now our home is in Tennessee. We have gone from the flat corn fields and harsh winters to palm trees and beaches to towering mountains and thick, drawling accents. And it’s beautiful here. I can’t say that mountains are my favorite form of topography (I tend to feel a bit trapped not being able to see more than half a mile in any direction), but it is a truly breathtaking place. Whenever you step outside or even open a window you can hear the river roaring through the woods, just a dozen or so yards from our backdoor. And the stars are so bright. No more city lights to block them from view. There are trails to explore and wildlife to see. And that’s just on the outside.

Inside, this home feels secure. A thick, gray brick wall runs down the center of the house from top to bottom, and I can’t seem to get over how strong it is. I find myself leaning on it or just pushing my hand against it just because I know it won’t move. There isn’t even the slightest give.
And then there are the cast iron sink and stove and the handmade hard wood floors and the stairs that were all laid by the same two hands twenty years ago and still don’t exert one single creak when walked on.
And there are the huge wooden beams that run up the walls and across the ceiling in the living room so that even when you’re walking around upstairs you feel like the solid ground is just underneath the floor boards.
This home, as a whole, is just so strong.

Now I won’t get ahead of myself. I don’t know what the word for this home will be yet. I know that it’s strong. I know that it’s very cozy but still large enough to hold an entire side of our family, including multiple babies and pets. I know that it has lots of character. And I know that it has seen a lot of love, both in the hands that built it and with the family that has just moved into it.
But the official word is yet to be determined. I expect that a lot of things will take place in this home. Memories will be made, both happy and sad. Experiences will come and go and many people will walk in and out the front door. There’s no telling the wonderful things that will take place within these walls.

I have some high hopes for this home :) 

Saturday, December 3, 2011

How Did We Come to This?

It's one of those nights when you're at a friend's house and everyone is asleep but you're sitting at the kitchen table because you have so much work to do that sleep just really isn't an option. But, because you have so much to do, you automatically decide to do everything else update the blog that has been cast aside for two months.


Life has been absolutely insane over the past two months. At first it was exciting. So much to do. Sometimes the rush can be exhilarating. But then the rush becomes more of a trudge and exhaustion sets in.

That's where I find myself tonight. Utterly exhausted in every way and in need of a reboot. See? I'm so exhausted that I couldn't even think of a better word than "reboot."

 I've been reading a book with some friends called Bittersweet by Shauna Niequist, and this paragraph caught my attention:

"I miss all sorts of sacred and significant moments, because of my frantic insistence that I can do it all, and that I don't have to miss anything. I run from thing to thing, and then I fall into bed at night without even the space to think about the day. I wake up again to start it all over: more people, more food, more play, more ideas, more books. I'm ravenous, and somewhere along the way what started as a clean and lovely lust for life crosses over into a cycle of frantic activity, without soul or connection."

I have made myself so busy with all the rushing around that I can no longer see the beauty that surrounds me. There is no time to just sit down and read. No time to take a walk with my camera and capture the fantastic sunrises that greet me each morning. No time to even sit and think. And I tell myself that it's alright because I'm not hurting anyone. But how many people have I blown off or canceled plans with because something pressing came up that I had to take care of? How many conversations with acquaintances could have gone deeper if I had the time to sit and ask questions? How many promises have I made that I couldn't carry out?

As the age old saying goes, "Something's gotta give."

The show I am directing opens this Friday. Six more days. Six more days of insanity and rushing and putting the last touches on every little detail. I have no idea how it will all get done. But it will. It always does. And a peace like I have never anticipated before will come seeping in afterward. I cannot wait.

I just hope I do the right things with that peace. I hope I am able to re-evaluate where I am and where I want to be, and that I can start learning to be satisfied with "enough." That I don't have to rush around every minute of the day in order to have a full life. That sometimes it's okay to just walk for no reason or to sit and read for half the day or to spend time just writing and thinking. Because, as Shauna writes, "Full life is lived when the whole system works together, when rest and home and peace live hand in hand with taste and sparkle and go."

So wish me luck. And please. For the love of God give me a hug.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

He's Never Failed Me Yet

“Let the godly sing for joy to the Lord; it is fitting for the pure to praise him…Sing a new song of praise to him; play skillfully on the harp, and sing with joy. For the word of the Lord holds true, and we can trust everything he does. He loves whatever is just and good; the unfailing love of the Lord fills the earth.” – Psalm 33:1-5

Transitions can be really challenging. Graduation. Location changes. New living arrangements. New jobs. It can all be overwhelming.

Since graduating in May I have seen a lot of these challenges come and go, and I’m sure there are many more on the way. After a semester of grad school in Ohio, I made my way back to the Bluegrass state with only two sure things: a part time job teaching speech and drama at a local high school and a place to stay until December.

I really wasn’t sure how it all was going to go. Most of my friends had dispersed to different areas of the country to start new jobs as well. I loved the idea of returning to the church I had come to love and serve over the past four years, but I knew that I was losing a huge community by graduating from my close-knit school.

And, at first, things really were rather difficult. I missed my friends and was finding it hard to feel a sense of belonging even though I was living in a very familiar place. I searched for more jobs endlessly, knowing that I couldn’t afford to live much longer on this one part-time job. I was turned down over and over and couldn’t understand why. I found myself getting more discouraged with each passing day.

But God is faithful. So faithful. He began to slowly infuse my life with new blessings and hope. Some of my closest friends started moving back to the area. A small group of girls that graduated with me – some of them close friends, others just acquaintances – formed a book club and have grown closer to one another by relating to each others’ struggles during this transition period. It has been an incredible blessing to get to know these girls on a deeper level and to bear each others’ burdens with prayer and support.

I also went from having one job to having four in literally a day. The phone calls just kept pouring in. I couldn’t believe it, and there are even more opportunities on the horizon that I am so excited about. And the best part of these jobs is that all but one directly correlate with my career ambitions. And, let’s face it, not a lot of theatre people find employment in their field an easy thing to come by.

During all this, my parents moved from Florida to Tennessee and I am so grateful to have them closer. Going home used to mean buying a flight or planning two entire days of driving. Now if I have a long weekend I can just jump in the car and be home within a few hours.

Wonderful volunteer opportunities have also been brought my way. Friends have asked me to be a part of their projects and I have been able to act, sing, lead and use my gifts to help others. 

But my favorite thing that God has been doing lately is filling my life with community. He has been putting new people into my life who are incredible examples to me as I try to grow in my faith and navigate through life. And my relationships with old friends have been deepening in wonderful ways. I seriously could not ask for better friends – ones who never cease to show grace, love, encouragement, and generosity – all the while pointing to Christ as the source of it all. They make me want to be better each day. The late night conversations, the openness and willingness to discuss difficult things, the prayerful support…I have been enjoying each interaction and adventure with these friends – old and new.

So I teach and direct theatre. I am a barista. I am allowed to help lead worship. I have beautiful, growing community. But I don’t write all this to say “Look at all the great things I’m doing,” and I hope that it doesn’t read that way. I write all this because I want to celebrate the incredible blessings that God has lavished on my life. I did nothing to deserve these things. But I’m so thankful for the unfairness of God’s grace. He continually loves, cares for, and blesses me despite the foolish things I often do. He deserves all the praise. I am overwhelmed by him.

I find myself here on my knees again
Caught up in grace like an avalanche
Nothing compares to this love, love, love
Burning in my heart

- Hillsong

Thursday, September 15, 2011

I Lift My Eyes Up

Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. 
Remind me that my days are numbered - 
how fleeting my life is.
You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand.
My entire lifetime is just a moment to you;
At best, each of us is but a breath.
Psalm 39:4-5

Taking a break from the poverty study today to write about some things that have been going on this week.

Recently I have found myself becoming irritable and grouchy about the silliest of things. This isn't like me, but I didn't even realize it was happening until this past Sunday night. I went to church and we were starting a dating series. I expected to be loaded up with a lot of tips on how to avoid crossing boundaries or advice on finding the right "one," but I found so much more than that. I walked away from that service completely changed.

And by "completely changed" I mean that I'm working on it ;)

Throughout the course of the evening, I realized that I have not been taking the necessary steps to becoming who God created me to be. I've been discontent - and very verbal about it. I've been frustrated and angry and stubborn. I was thinking that I could find happiness by doing the bare minimum to get by. I don't really have a desire to date right now, but when I do again I know that I'll be looking for someone who meets a particular set of standards. And how can I expect someone to meet those standards if I haven't yet met them myself?

God has so much work to do in me if I will only let him. If I will only stand still long enough for him to speak...long enough for him to show me the wondrous things he has for me.

Since graduating and moving back here, I have found myself in a sort of waiting period. I have two jobs that are in my area of study, but neither of them are what I really want to do. I'm in limbo as far as where I am living and finding a more permanent place. I can't really pursue a full time or long term job until the next two years of grad school are over. Therefore: limbo. And it's so difficult for me to handle. I just want things to move forward. I want to make things happen. Right. Now.

It wasn't until last night when I was reading a book on change and growth ("Bittersweet" by Shauna Niequist) that I realized that sometimes God puts us in waiting zones for a reason. They aren't just a phase to "get through." God has plans for us even during these times of limbo. And instead of just trying to push things along and figure out what's next, perhaps I should be asking God what he wants for me during this time. How does he want to grow me? What can I do during this time to become the person he created me to be? How can I best use this time instead of wishing it away?

I have let myself become so much more about the smaller story - the story of me, my life, and my doings - than about God's bigger story. And I can tell you, firsthand, that it isn't worth it. There is nothing fulfilling about living for myself. For I am "merely a moving shadow, and all my busy rushing ends in nothing" (Psalm 39:6). This week has shown me that there is so much more joy in my life when I am starting each day by securing myself in God's word and his promises. The little things just don't seem as irritating as before and my problems seem much smaller. And all I have to do is stand still.

In my life, Jesus, be lifted high.

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Riches of Your Love

"Poverty is about relationships that don't work." 

I have been learning quite a bit about the problem of poverty over the last few days. Wendy McMahan has done a wonderful job of outlining everything in her podcast - Poverty: Unlocked. For instance, she explains how there were four main relationships established at Creation
1. Relationship with God (Spiritual)
2. Relationship with Others (Social)
3. Relationship with Nature (Physical)
4. Relationship with Self (Mental)

All of these relationships were broken in some way when the Fall took place. You can find each of these - the blame, banishment, painful toiling, and wandering - in Genesis 3:11-24. 

We see the results of this in the causes of poverty:
1. Lack of resources (Physical)
2. Lack of education (Mental)
3. Social injustice (Social)
4. Hopelessness of God seeming to not be near (Spiritual)

Poverty is about relationships that don't work. But Jesus came to do more than just save us from our sins. He came to reconcile all these relationships. Colossians 1:19-20 - "For God in all his fullness was pleased to live in Christ, and through him God reconciled everything to himself. He made peace with everything in heaven and earth by means of Christ's blood on the cross." 

Unfortunately, the church tends to focus primarily on just one of these relationships - the Spiritual - when we should be practicing "whole-ism" and focusing on all parts of Jesus' redemption. Sometimes we go into countries as missionaries and care more about getting people to pray a prayer than developing and growing them as disciples over time. Please note that I am not bashing missionaries in any way. This is definitely not always the case. But sometimes we fail to give people the whole foundation. 

After learning this, I looked at my own life and asked how I am serving in ways that promote long-term discipleship. This caused me to look at other areas of my life and realize that I haven't been doing a very good job at serving others. I have two jobs right now that involve me leading a group and establishing a plan for how things will be done. It has been very hard to motivate myself to do the work outside of our meetings when no one is standing over my shoulder asking if I have been doing it. My laziness is becoming a large obstacle in the way that I serve. Am I giving 100% to those that I am leading, or am I leaving everything to the last minute and arriving unprepared? I made a firm resolution to become better in this area of my life and to not let laziness overtake my resolve to do my best in everything. 

Jesus came to save us and reconcile everything to God. His blood reverses the brokenness that happened at the Fall.  

You tore the veil, you made a way
When you said that it is done
...there's no greater love than this. 
- Hillsong "At the Cross"

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Food for the Hungry

I have been blessed with so much. Everywhere I look I see God's blessings in my life. I have amazing parents who support me endlessly. I have fantastic friends who make me laugh and are there for me in times of trouble. I have received a wonderful education and am now working two jobs in my chosen field. I have the amazing luxury of being able to pick an outfit for the day. I have never known a day of true hunger.

I have more than enough.

I am once again reminded of the unfairness of it all. Why am I so blessed? Why was I born into such circumstances while others are born in areas of starvation and disease? I did nothing to deserve the things I have been given. Where is justice?

As I have been exploring these questions, I felt the need for drastic change. I look around me and see a culture that pursues happiness above all else - even at the expense of others. I see a culture centered around food (for entertainment, not out of necessity) and material things. And I see myself, more and more, falling prey to the pursuits of this culture. I find myself eating out of boredom, totally missing the value of food as a necessary substance for living. I find myself growing more and more passionate about those who are suffering from lack of resources...yet not knowing what to do about it.

Taking all this into account, I made a decision. A five day fast and in-depth study of poverty and global hunger. I chose The Master Cleanse method of fasting because those who have gone through it claimed that they learned to really read the difference between true hunger and boredom. They also found themselves with more healthy and self-controlled eating habits when they finished. They craved natural, organic foods instead of the old refined and artery-damaging ones (think The Daniel Fast).

I am starting the study with a podcast called Poverty: Unlocked - a Christian relief and development podcast created by Wendy McMahan and Food for the Hungry. It explores God's heart for the poor, the injustice issue, and the Christian mandate. Right now I am ending day two of my ten day journey and have already learned a lot about the causes of poverty.

I am not sure where I will end up at the end of these ten days. It may still be unclear what my specific response to this issue is but I will have gained a solid basis of knowledge for pursuing this even further as well as a renewed sense of the value of food and of self control. I ask that you would pray for me during this time as I want to be completely open to whatever God wants to place before me. I want to be focused and receptive, and I know that I need God to sustain me and draw me closer to his word and heart.

I'll post some more updates throughout the next week and a half and tell you what I'm learning about. For now, bed time.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Craft Day

Yesterday was Craft Day.

Huge success. Made these wreaths to sell at a gift shop.

We'll see how it goes and perhaps I'll be making more soon!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Stop in the Name of Love...

"[The natural life] knows that if the spiritual life gets hold of it, all its self-centredness and self-will are going to be killed and it is ready to fight tooth and nail to avoid that."
- C.S. Lewis - Mere Christianity

I have tried, multiple times in my life, to ignore God. I have never decidedly walked away from him in the sense that I didn't believe in him anymore, but there have been times when I have refused to listen to his voice in every way. I still prayed. I still went to church. I still assured him that I wanted his will to be done. And yet I refused to listen to him because of my selfishness.

These seasons of ignorance have resulted in very dark times during which I felt a very deep absence of joy. I usually tried to account for this absence with various excuses or explanations that never even slightly touched on the truth: I was ignoring God.

Over the course of this summer I have been learning a lot about God's love. This deep, infinite, undeserved love has become more and more real to me. It is a holy love - a love that is angered by injustice and hurt when its object chooses to walk away. A love that is relentless and passionate. And it has been through learning about this love that I have realized that I am happiest when I allow it to overwhelm me.

You see, those moments when I chose to ignore God were usually brought on because he was trying to save me from myself. He could see that I was doing things that were destroying me - things that were distancing myself from Him. And he loves me so much that he was calling to me, urging me to see the destruction happening and run back to his arms. But I refused. I didn't see it as love. I saw it as rules. I saw God as a police officer trying to keep me in line.

But even when I refused to listen, God loved me enough to go a step farther. He has, on each occasion, removed from my life the very thing that was causing my destruction. And although this has caused me a whole lot of pain and grief, and although I was always angry at him for allowing it to happen, I see it now through different eyes.

It was his love.

I can look back on each of these times and see, with ever-thankful eyes, that he was only saving me from myself. How foolish I was to blame him for my unhappiness and pain when he was gently drawing me towards a deeper joy that far surpassed anything I was trying to find for myself. He was pulling me, kicking and screaming, into his love. And, on top of all that, his incredible mercy and grace were also freely offered. He immediately forgave every hint of rebellion lurking in my heart and offered me a new way of life. He is the Healer of my every sorrow and regret. As it says in Psalm 32, "what joy for those whose record the Lord has cleared of guilt."

This whole realization has been a very slow process. I also know that it is far easier to say this, in hindsight, than it will be to recognize it if and when it happens again. But it's a step. I can delight in the joy of knowing that God calls to me not so that I will follow a rule book, but because he loves me more than I will ever understand, and I can let that love overwhelm me.

"God has paid us the intolerable compliment of loving us, in the deepest, most tragic, most inexorable sense."
- C.S. Lewis - The Problem of Pain

Friday, July 15, 2011

Hedwig's Theme

I'm not usually one to write movie reviews...but I just have to this time. Yes, this is a Harry Potter post and, yes, it does contain spoilers, so if you haven't seen it yet then stop reading and come back later :)

I'll give you a moment.

Already saw it? Still here?

Okay, here we go.

*please note that it's been two years since I read the last book, and I'm sure there are things I forgot about that people wish were included in the movie and weren't...but since I don't remember them, I am happy :)

Things I Loved:

1. Hermione and Ron's kiss. They nailed the moment. It took everyone by surprise. Everyone in my theatre gasped and started whooping and hollering. I was squealing with glee and clapping. It was absolutely perfect.

2. The dragon in the depths of Gringott's Bank. Usually dragons are always portrayed as dark and colorful, but the pale, almost translucent quality of this dragon was perfect. And the milky blue eyes only added to it's perfection.

3. Professor McGonagall's humor. We cheered when she took on Snape at the beginning and laughed with delight when she gave her, "I've always wanted to use that spell" line. Loved it.

4. Harry Potter. Period. I fell in love with him in this movie. It was, without a doubt, Daniel Radcliffe's best performance...and trust me, I'm not his biggest fan. But he really got to me in this one. I especially loved his performance immediately after he learned that he had to die. The walk to his immanent death was beautiful. Harry is a true and wonderful hero - knowingly walking into death for the greater good. This, more than anything else, was my favorite part of the movie.

5. The wide shots of Hogwarts' destruction. I loved the camera sweeps and angles. I really felt like my home was being invaded. This hit me especially hard when that first shot of the burning castle came up and you could see the Quidditch field collapsing. So many memories came rushing past as if I had been there with them for the past years, watching the games and cheering. It's incredible that someone's writing can make you feel so much a part of the world their words have created. And the colors, music, and tone set up by the movie makers made it so believable. Awesome.

6. The inclusion of Mrs. Weasley's epic line: "Not my daughter, you bitch!"

7. I loved the use of so many flashbacks. It really helped tie the entire story together and helped the viewer to remember where everything started and the huge journey they had been a part of.

8. Neville. Come on. He deserved that from the beginning. Poor little guy turned into a straight up stud.

Okay okay, now...

Things I Didn't Like:

1. The part near the end when Harry grabbed Voldemort and they "flew" around the castle for a bit. There was a lot of yelling, grabbing, and eventual fusing together of sorts...I just didn't care for it. It just didn't quite do anything.

2. Ginny Weasley. She will forever be the worst casting decision of the entire process. Such a huge letdown.

3. I kind of expected a huge moment of celebration and triumph when Voldemort was finally destroyed, but it didn't happen. I was expecting a huge cheer of victory, but instead we solemnly watched him disintegrate and float away...and then the next scene where Harry is walking through the castle and seeing was just kind of anticlimactic and awkward.

So those are my thoughts. I enjoyed this cinema experience more than any other I've ever had. It was mostly the movie itself, but the crowd I saw it with was fantastic. There was cheering, laughing, gasping, and even weeping. I'm so glad that I decided to go to the midnight showing so that I could experience it with the most dedicated of fans who have loved this story for years and have followed it from the beginning.

Thank you, J.K. Rowling, for writing such a beautiful story of friendship, courage, loyalty, heroism, the battle between good and evil, and - most importantly - love.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Back in the Fryin' Pan

Let's face it - I've never been much of a cook. Anything that involves more than 4 ingredients has always intimidated me. But it's not that I haven't wanted to learn. My busy lifestyle has just always gotten in the way. Being involved in theatre means that when everyone else is getting home from work or class and has the time to prepare and cook dinner, I am grabbing whatever food is closest to my arm and heading out the door to a four hour rehearsal. And I love it, don't get me wrong, but now that I'm not on a meal plan or living at home, it's time to learn. So here, in all their glory, are my feeble attempts at cooking so far this summer.

The first attempt was very sad. Mexican quesadillas. Black beans, corn, green peppers, onions, etc. 

Sometimes simplicity is best :)

First time cooking tofu. Black beans with rice, green peppers, and hummus. 

I marinated the tofu in soy sauce first. Really good, but I made a little too much for one serving. 

Whole wheat oatmeal pancakes from scratch. Delicious! (thanks, Savanah!) 

Tofu quesadillas. I sauteed the tofu in oil and chili powder, then added green peppers, cheese, and onions onto tortillas. 

Mushroom Bruschetta with a side of fresh strawberries. Nom. 

Simple, healthy breakfast. Oats, milk, brown sugar, strawberries. 

Oatmeal Cranberry White Chocolate Chunk cookies from scratch. 

Someone help me eat all these. They are literally sitting on a plate in front of me - begging to be eaten. 
Baked Alaskan salmon marinated in an array of herbs and lemon juice. 

One of my favorite things is to make breakfast for dinner. Breakfast is my favorite meal, so why not make it more than once in a day! :)

Thursday, June 30, 2011

10 Things

I have learned since starting grad school:

1. I really want to teach at the college level some day. I will be teaching a variety of younger ages this fall, which will be awesome, but eventually I would love to be a college prof. You know...after the whole acting thing falls through :)

2. I have accidentally become a vegetarian. I'm not confident cooking meat yet (I always think I'll do something wrong and get sick), so since I left home...I just haven't. It's been three weeks. Every time I consider sticking with it I think about how much I would miss Taco Bell. Sad, I know.

3. The difference between grad students and undergrad students? Grad students come to class. Every. Single. Day.

4. I have learned how to draft a theatre stage design on large vellum and am in the process of learning how to creatively light a show. Fresnel, ellipsoidal, gobo, and cyclorama are currently at the top of my list of "most used vocab words." 

5. I do not really have a list of "most used vocab words." 

6. Theatre in the east (and the arts in general, even) is much more supported and respected than here in the west. Actors, artists, etc. are highly respected in eastern countries because the arts are considered to be a highly necessary means of preserving the culture. There are committees that support and oversee the arts, not to interfere, but to guide it in this preserving process. But here in American they say we have no culture. Artists are often seen as lowly, weird, and unnecessary. It's very unfortunate. 

7. Regular lunches comprised of a box of cookies, a liter of Mt. Dew and a bag of cheese puffs do not make for a good looking couple. Seriously, I have seen it first hand in the halls of the music department. 

8. Another difference between grad students and undergrad students? Grad students seriously want to learn. They don't bring their computers to class so they can surf facebook and watch movie trailers on mute. It's a great atmosphere of focus and contributing. (Granted, not all undergrads are the same. Many are passionate about learning. I've just experienced the opposite end of that spectrum quite often). 

9. We had a lady come in and talk to us yesterday about working in the theatre with special needs kids. It is absolutely amazing what theatre and acting exercises can do for a child with aspergers or LD. It can literally change their world. I loved learning from this woman. 

10. Along those same lines, I have found a new appreciation and joy for learning. I am soaking things up like a sponge and finding that no one has all the answers. No one can ever say that they have "arrived." There is no way to ever have enough learning. It's a beautiful thing. 

Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer Playlist

I may be a little late, but I have started compiling a summer playlist. This is strictly limited to songs that either get me in the mood for summertime fun or have come to my attention very recently and are subjected to my constantly pushing "repeat" on the old iPod.

1. "Price Tag" - Jessie J.
2. "This Year" - The Thrills
3. "Loving You Tonight" - Andrew Allen
4. "Tonight Tonight" - Hot Chelle Rae
5. "1+1" - Beyonce
6. "Turn on the Radio" - Reba McEntire
7. "Sweet Thing" - Keith Urban
8. "Shark in the Water" - VV Brown
9. "Rainbow Sleeves" - Sherie Rene Scott from "Everyday Rapture"
10. "Oh What a Day" - Ingrid Michaelson
11. "Without You" - Keith Urban

This is what I've got so far. I'd love to know what your favorite summer songs are right now, so feel free to send me a comment or an email with some suggestions and I'd love to give them a listen!

Friday, June 24, 2011

A New Life

Hello friends! Greeting you over a bowl of oatmeal, brown sugar, blueberries, blackberries, a cup of coffee, and a slice of toast with the famous Wenger strawberry jam. I hope your morning has started off just as lovely as mine :)

A lot of people have been asking how my week has been since I have started Grad school, so I decided to write a post dedicated to the beginning of my new life here. Here is my week in a few pictures and words:

On Monday, the professors had an early morning welcoming breakfast for all the theatre MA students. I learned, during this meeting, that I am the baby of the group. Most of the other students are already teachers and many have families of their own. There is one other girl who just completed her undergrad like me, but she is married. Henceforth - I'm the baby. We range from 22 (me) to a few in their 40's and 50's. Quite a dynamic group! Everyone brings their own unique life experiences and stories. 

On this first day I immediately began to recognize some differences between Akron and Asbury. For starters, Akron has a bowling alley in their student center. Yep. A bowling alley. They also have a pool hall. I think I counted 15 pool tables when I walked by. This building also contains a Starbucks,

 Barnes and Noble, various restaurants, an Auntie Anne's, a bank, and this little gem: 

They show movies in here regularly throughout the semester. Pretty legit.

It also takes me a little more than ten minutes to walk to the other side of campus. Just a little more. Akron's campus is located downtown and the campus actually has their own bus system. New one on me. 

The one downside to the campus is the library. I absolutely love Asbury's library because it's so open and bright. Akron's library is dark, old and grungy. Granted, they are doing some repairs and upgrades this summer, but I was majorly bummed the first time I walked in. 

The architecture of the staircase is kind of cool, but that's about it. Probably won't be spending a lot of time here this summer.

This is where I spend most of my time on campus:

This is the back of the building. Oops. 

I am taking three classes this summer - Teaching Elementary Theatre, Creating Performance, and Lighting Design and Technology. Here is homework for day 2 of that last class:

I actually drew most of these by candlelight because a storm knocked the electricity out that night :)

The Lighting Design class is really informative and fun. We will be designing the lighting plot and transitions for one act of a play of our choice throughout the next week or so. I am doing "First Kisses" by Jay D. Hanagan.

Teaching Elementary theatre involves a lot of improv games and teaching techniques geared towards children. We will actually be devising lesson plans and teaching children during the last week of school. 
Creating Performance is about devising theatre from sources other than conventional plays. "Devising" is a new concept to me, and I'm learning a lot about new ways to create. Our theme this year is Myth, so we've been doing some interesting things with that. (More on this in a later post)

But enough about Grad school for now. I've been exploring the area and have found some cool places. Wooster has a place called "Buehler's" which kind of reminds me of Kroger. They do the same kind of things with providing lots of discounts for card members. 

Om nom nom - Buehler's fruit!

Unfortunately, Ohio doesn't have any Whole Foods Markets. But as I was driving around trying to find supplies for my Lighting Design class, I found a look-alike! 

I spent about a half hour walking around the store and it's almost exactly like Whole Foods. I didn't even have to buy anything - just walking around made me feel healthier :)

So that's what my experience, in a nutshell, has been so far. I will be writing more over this weekend about specific projects I'm working on as well as some stuff that's just for fun! 

Friday, June 17, 2011

On the Road Again

A few days ago, I celebrated my last evening in Florida. My parents sent me off with my favorite meal from Bonefish Grill - the Diablo Shrimp Fettucini.

nom nom nom delicious.

The next morning, I set out on what ended up to be a fifteen hour drive from Florida to Kentucky. Wanna see some stuff from my trip?

A boat with a smiley face travelled in front of me for a few miles.

This is what my trash tray looked like around hour 12. Thanks, Mom :)

After spending two days in Kentucky, I travelled further up north where Ohio greeted me with a lovely rainbow.  

Sometime after it became dark outside I looked down to change the song on my iPod and suddenly felt a huge bump under my left front tire. I thought I had just hit some tire debris on the road. About 30 seconds later I started smelling skunk. Turns out...I blew him up. This was the evidence I found on my tire the next morning

This is my room for the next 5 weeks, courtesy of Kate Wenger :)

It's going to be a good summer.

Monday, June 13, 2011

When I See Your Face

This post is based on my learnings from two different sermons. One from my home church in Florida, the other from my church in Kentucky. Two different pastors - one big lesson for me.

The first sermon was part of a series called "Cravings" and was entitled "Gluttony." I'll admit that I fall prey to gluttony every now and then. It's not a huge struggle for me, but it happens sometimes. A bad day goes by and I'll go to food for comfort. I stuff myself needlessly just because the food is in front of me. It happens.

The second sermon was part of a series called "Christian: (noun)" and was entitled "Clothe." Based on Colossians 3: 12-14, it was about how we are a chosen people by God. In our world today, being chosen almost always means that it comes at the expense of someone else. But God's love for you never comes at my expense. Everyone can be chosen and no one has to be rejected.

I started thinking about these two sermons and they somehow started morphing together. Gluttony isn't about weight. It's not about appearance. But what do I look at when I see my reflection? When I pass by a store window and see myself in the glass, my eyes automatically search out my flaws. They usually go immediately to my stomach for evaluation. Is it sticking out too much? What about my legs? Are they skinny enough today? And my hair. There's just never enough volume.

But I am chosen.

God wants me. He created me perfectly. God has fathered me with compassion and love, and if I am to spread those things to others I need to clothe myself with the things of the Father. With the truth. I am chosen.

So I made a decision. Whenever I pass my reflection, even if it's just for a second, instead of looking at my body and searching for all those flaws that only drag me down, I will intentionally look into my own eyes. I will look at my face and see a child who is chosen - a person who is loved and cherished exactly as she is - no matter what.

So I did that today as I strolled through an outdoor mall. And you know what? I've never looked better :)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Where is the Love?

So many people are doing amazing things for others. Like this guy.

Blake Mycoskie. Founder of TOMS shoes and the One for One Movement. Thousands of children have received much needed shoes because of his idea. He travels around the country to speak at graduations, conferences, and business meetings, encouraging people to give in everything they do. Read more about Blake here

Or this dynamic duo.

Kyle Yamaguchi and Shu-Chu Wu. Founders of 141 Eyewear. They discovered that 153 million people need prescription eyewear but cannot afford it. So, just like TOMS, the concept is simple: for every pair of eyeglasses purchased, they give a pair away to a person in need. 141. Read more here.

Or this guy.

Scott Harrison. Founder of charity : water. A former "prince of New York," he left his posh city life for the poverty-stricken villages of Africa. He came to know the meaning of "charity" and decided to put it into practice. He set up a business that has one purpose: to bring clean water to those in need. 100% of donations go to building wells in places that do not have access to drinkable water. Donors can even set up a personal campaign and have their friends donate money to the cause in place of birthday gifts/Christmas presents/etc. 

These are just a few of the people who are doing incredible things to help others. These are people who inspire me to evaluate my own life and what I am doing with it. It's so easy for my world to seem so big. My problems are so pressing. The happenings of my daily life are sometimes the only things I think about. I worry so much about little things. 

But last night, as I was reading in Matthew, I came across this: "For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many." It's a verse I've heard before, but it became more real to me last night. The Son of God - the one person who deserves to be served - came to serve others. 

In Acts 2 I read that "All the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had. They sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need. They worshipped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord's Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity - all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people." 

In Colossians, Paul encourages us to "clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony...Christ is all that matters." 

And in Ephesians, Paul says that "He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." 

I am so tiny. And God is so much bigger than my problems. I have been blessed beyond measure, and I want to use my life and resources to help others. I'm not completely sure what this looks like yet, but I do know that I want to travel. I want to meet people and experience different cultures and learn about all the things that are going on outside my tiny little life. And, until I can do that, I'll be working on ways that I can help the people around me - right where I am. 

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Holla if You're Ready for Some Summertime

Hello! I'm sitting here in my kitchen with some breakfast and coffee, just having a lazy day, and I thought I'd give another update on the basics of my summer.

So here are the things that have been occupying my time.
My parents have employed me to paint practically the entire interior of our house. The color is called Sand.  I am becoming quite good at taping, unscrewing outlet covers, and finding things to stand on so I can reach the ceiling :)

My mom has the coolest bike ever. It's a Biria EB 7 in Aqua Blue. I've been riding this thing a lot and it is legit. 

Whenever I'm home, I like to take advantage of the extra free time to catch up on movies that I haven't had time to see. This week it's The King's Speech, Black Swan, and Blue Valentine.
I've been trying to slowly build up my endurance again. Running three days a week for at least 30 minutes, trying to build up to an hour. 

After singing some Italian songs for my voice lessons this semester, I have been wanting to learn more of the language. It's just so beautiful. I was looking through books at Goodwill the other day and came across this little gem. I've been taking it page by page, slowly learning simple phrases. I love it.

Yes, this is a scanner, just in case you weren't sure. I've been trying to get rid of a lot of junk, and I have a lot of pictures and notebooks that I've been scanning so that I can get rid of them. I've watched entire movies while scanning my life onto a thumb drive. For instance...a pile of notebooks turned into an itty bitty thumb drive. Space saver for sure.